Our Services

Masterplan – Design Phase


The Masterplan is a large design scheme that requires in depth details of all aspects of the design. The masterplan will provide a complete overview of details such as construction, cable plans, materials and plants lists. The complete masterplan has a very strong visual base and is focused on communicating powerful and very accurate design features to the clients who desire the perfect projects. Most complicated projects will require design evaluations and specific products are described and  included in the technical details of the drawings. No stone must be unturned and the client will obtain very accurate drawings that will give the client the ability to secure and control a large landscaping project both in quality and price.

Project Support — Build Phase

Project inspection and quality control

In all aspects of the project phase we support our clients with tailored solutions consisting of access to our network of trusted partners, site inspections, material test and quality control. This is always a good investment due to the complexity of garden design and we aim at beeing a part of both the design and construction phase.


Masterplan – Designfasen


Masterplanen er et kompendium af visuelt forståeligt design underbygget af teknisk tegning og gennemført projekt materiale som kan bruges konkret i byggeriet, af kompetente håndværkere. Med designs af stor kompleksitet, kræves omfattende projekt materiale for at sikre budget og finish går hånd i hånd.

Projekt rådgivning — Byggefasen

Projekt tilsyn - arkitekt tilsyn

for kunder som har afsluttet design fasen tilbyder vi en adgang til vores netværk af kompetente håndværkere og leverandører, hvortil vi skræddersyer et projekt forløb hvor vi bistår bygherre med at styre igennem de grovere aspekter af byggeriet, frem til den finish som kendertegner vores allerede udførte anlæg.


For Danish audience only

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