Christian Kielberg

Lead designer and founder of the ConceptGardens brand ltd.

Design Story


From a young age Christian traveled the world, and through his father who was a talented carpenter with a design studio as a part of his business, he experienced the many ways of designing and building around the globe.

Living and working for several periods of his life in Asia and Indonesia, both co-creating the hotel his father later would establish in the Philippines along with other foreign projects around this area, Christian developed this fusion between the Scandinavian design DNA and the connection to nature in the Asian way of life and architecture.

Starting in 2011 based in Copenhagen, Denmark working with the same business model as his father, Christian integrated a design studio with the construction company where he developed the brand ConceptGardens from design to reality.

Today ConceptGardens is a one-man brand where innovative design and construction techniques are the core of the design values in his work

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